Have you ever tried installing drivers for your Nvidia GPUs? The first time I tried, I spent the better half of an afternoon trying to get that done. And once I realized I also had to recompile multiple packages to
Zain Rizvi
I'm a Software Engineer who's spent over a decade building the infrastructure used by millions of devs around the world. In the past I helped build Stripe, GCP & Azure. Nowadays I build PyTorch
The Essential Git Cheat Sheet
Quick cheat sheet of commonly used git commands that I’d otherwise have to keep Googling to remember Rebase your branch to the latest master If your current branch was branched off of master and you want to pull the
Use Virtual Environments Inside Jupyter Notebooks & Jupter Lab [Best Practices]
Using Virtual Environments has become a standard best practice in the Python community. They allow you to work on multiple python projects at the same time, without one accidentally corrupting the dependencies of another. While using these Virtual Environments has
Authenticating AI Platform Notebooks against BigQuery in Python
When you use AI Platform Notebooks [https://cloud.google.com/ai-platform-notebooks/] by default any API calls you make to GCP use the default compute service account that your notebook runs under. This makes it easy to start getting stuff done,
Become Creative by Asking Better Questions
> These are the key lessons I discovered while reading Warren Berger’s A More Beautiful Question [https://www.amazon.com/More-Beautiful-Question-Inquiry-Breakthrough/dp/1632861054/] . Most material is directly from the book with a few of my own ideas interspersed Why
So Good They Can't Ignore You - Key Ideas
These are my notes from Cal Newport’s book So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0076DDBJ6/] I’m going to skip the persuasive
Using BigRQuery on GCP AI Platform Notebooks
Note: These instructions can be used whenever you’re using Jupyter Lab on a remote machine GCP AI Platform Notebooks [https://cloud.google.com/ai-platform-notebooks/] makes it really easy to run notebooks on Jupyter Lab and even offers R language
Five Tactics for Tackling Complex Problems at Work
> “The definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple.” –Albert Einstein In today’s world the most valuable employees are the ones who can tackle complex problems. And the best of those are the ones who
5 Habits for Better Learning
These mental habits were developed to teach school children how to think critically and become problems solvers. It’s a valuable skill for adults to learn as well. When presented with any new information think about: 1. Evidence: Why do
Salary Negotiation Tips
When I was applying for a new job a few years ago I read everything I could find on salary negotiation, a core life skill everyone should know [https://www.kalzumeus.com/2011/10/28/dont-call-yourself-a-programmer/?utm_source=zainrizvi.io]
How to: Redirect the default *.azurewebsites.net domain to your custom domain on Azure Web Apps
When you create a new website using Azure Web Apps [https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/app-service/web/] you get a default <sitename>.azurewebsites.net domain assigned to your site. That’s great, but what if you add
Deploy Statically Generated Sites with Yeoman
There are a lot of awesome static site generators out there. It’s not always easy to figure out how to setup continuous deployment for them though. This post will describe how to deploy a statically generated site using yeoman